Saturday, January 23, 2010

baba and teeth

Hi guys

Sorry its been such a long time, i've been so busy with Scrapaholics. Have you looked at that blog yet?

I've posted a mini album from Christmas - have a look

On Thursday night Morgan said "Baba" a few times. Now she loves it! She lies there with her toys and says baba, baba, baaaaba!! its too cute

We've been up a few nights this week with those horrid teeth. Shame on Wednesday night she was in real pain, and i had to cuddle her back to sleep (at 4.30am her screams are real loud). Poor thing. The culprits, 2 bottom front teeth, the one has broken through the skin, the other is still slightly swollen. So hopefully within a few days she will be sporting 2 front teeth.

On the crawling front she is much happier to be on her tummy now than she used to be. She is quite moblie, moving from side to side and tummy crawling around. She seems to be assuming the crawling position more easily now and I'm sure she will be off in a few days time! Oh heavens, then the fun starts......

1 comment:

  1. Oh too sweet man. Cant believe she is getting teeth already. So sad that Im missing out on such special times. I love you lots my little sausage! x
