Tuesday, August 10, 2010

where did 2 months go?

well, i can't believe its been over 2 months since i last blogged!!

so much has been happening. right now the little princess has a throat infection and had very high temps this past weekend. took her to the doctor today, poor thing. she is also suffereing terribly with her back teeth and is screaming blue murder with pain. it is aweful for her and she doesn't know how to handle it. seems very very painful, shame

we have had sickness and more sickness in our house. june wasn't a very healthy month for us! i had tonsilitis and morgan had two courses of antibiotics. i ended up at casualty on sunday morning with a temperature of 40 degrees.

and morgan has had a few birthday parties she has been invited too. its so cute to see them interacting together. not soo much social skills at this stage though, so much to learn...... i try to put her in pretty dresses when we go out, love dressing her up. but since she appears to be such a tom-boy and highly active, i don't think it will be for too much longer!

the paediatrician said today that she has a great vocabulary for her age, and was very impressed she could say 'key'. he said it is very rare at her age to get the -ey sound. she could talk the hind legs off a donkey though, honestly!

and now she is noticing all the aeroplanes, its great. we run outside to look for them in the sky!

hope you are all well. pictures to follow soon

much love