Thursday, October 29, 2009

27th October 2009

29th October 2009

22nd October 2009

16th October 2009

Morgan has such fatty legs! She was wearing a dress with tights, but it got hot in the afternoon so I took the tights off. Gives you a good idea of the chubby legs she has going there!

Updating Morgan

Morgan is growing so fast... its terrible! She is so cute and smiles and laughs all the time (well most of it except when hungry and tired).

She has found her tongue and its so funny to watch her. She pushes it out and licks her lips and makes "smacking" noises with her tongue!

Morgan is not rolling over, not interested at all. She should be thinking about it at this stage already, so we'll see. She is however really trying to sit up, keeps pulling herself up. Her head is very strong. I let her sit but have to hold or catch her as she obviously doesn't have the balance yet!

But best of all is this voice she has found. She talks away and think she is singing too, but all without volume control..... she gets rather loud at times! She can scream away for ages, talking to her hands, or friends or just nothing in particular too. She is giggling out loud too, especially when you blow on her neck or "drop" her down, but must be to the count of 3!

She has a few friends, lion in her snug and safe as well as winnie the pooh on her blanket. There is also polo (he is a teething bear) that she just loves. The toy she enjoys most though is a tripod brightly coloured which bounces, has balls at the end. only problem with this guy is that it doesn't all fit into her mouth at once! She does get stuff to her mouth, but co-ords aren't too good and we do struggle to get everything in.

All in all we are really enjoying her. She is such a blessing and a real sweet little girl.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 weeks old

We went for photos with Heather Stevens in July 2009. Morgan was 10 weeks old. We went twice because it was so cold the first time and she wasn't happy about taking her clothes off! The pics came out so nicely, we just love them!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Apple Express Outing 03.10.2009

We went on the Apple Express on Saturday 3rd October 2009. Left home at 7.30 and got back at 5.30, so it was a long day for her and she was ever so good. The fresh air did her wonders i'm sure! Melissa was so cute, and just loves her Morgan. She is always wanting to help, and is desperate to put the dummy into Morgan's mouth!! Here are some pics of us on the train and then having lunch at Loerie.

morgan's nursery

2 months old - August 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

3 months old - September 2009



20th December 2009

St Marks Church chapel

Hope you out of towners can all make it, will be good to see you


welcome to morgan's world

hi family & friends, i'm morgans mom and i'll be keeping you updated on morgan's progress!

She was 4 months yesterday, 1st October. can you belive how time flies....

this is such a great way for me to keep in contact with you all. hopefully one day she will take over her blog, kids today!!

i'll be posting pics and videos this weekend. she is talking so much, such a little chatterbox!!

love to all, zoe